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As well as youth sessions during Sunday mornign meetings our youth also meet on Friday evenings in South Abingdon between 6:45pm - 8:00pm 

Friday Youth involved games, fun together and a relevant bible message or discussion. Our youth group is for those in secondary school up to sixth form age, we believe that these are formative years and we want to encourage the youth in their relationship with God.

On Sunday mornings youth alternate between going out with youth leaders for their own session and staying in the service to learn alongside the adults in our church. 

We also have a 'lads discipleship' group which meets around once a month.

We are delighted that many of our youth are actively involved in our Sunday meetings, whether thats part of the audio visual team, serving refreshments or leading worship, they play an important part in our church family and their enthusiasm and testimonies are greatly appreciated.

As part of Salt and Light Advance we also encourage our youth to attend the annual youth camp 'Relentless'.

If you would like to know more information about what we offer for youth, please do get in touch with us at